
Ideal provides congenial and comfortable hostel accommodation exclusively for boys with spacious dormitories, laundry,long distance communication facilities and above all ,round the clock presence , assistance and protection of the Hostel Warden, along with ample security and vigil.

An infirmary isolates sick children with a provision for special diet and house keepers are accessible at all times,ensuring the health of every child , meanwhile student s leaders help the youngsters in matters of discipline and punctuality.

The friendly warmth and co- operation among peers topped by the individualized care and counsel make IDEAL BOY’S HOSTEL ‘ a true home away from home ‘


The day in the hostel begins at the morning beginning with the morning prayer and Quran recitation/ scripture reading followed by a formal session of fitness training and games for every student .

After this ,students do have their wash and brush followed by a one hour of supervised study.

Breakfast is served at 8.30 the morning after which the students proceed to their concerned classes , beginning at 9.30.A,M. and run through till 1’0 clock when they are served with the lunch after the Namaz in the Mosque everyday. . Classes again resume after a break of 50 minutes and run through till 3.30.P.M..There are 8 periods each day allowing each student to study each subject everyday.

After school students have an opportunity to have refreshments like tea snacks etc.., and there are formal games and a wide variety of sports for all the students for one hour .

AT 5:30 PM they wash and change in preparation for two hours of supervised study .

Supper is served at 8 :30 pm after which the students are given special permission to attend the phone calls of the parents or relatives who want to communicate with the students and there after the students do their night prayers and resume their home works and studies till 10.30. p.m.

All students are to be at bed by 10.30 pm.

Diet & Dining

Ideal provides a well balanced and nutritious vegetarian and non vegetarian food for the students. daily diet consists of wheat and milk, juice4 cereals, vegetables and fruits apart from a wide variety of menu consisting steam Cake , Bread, Rice, Chapati, Parotta, Dosa, Idly, Puri , Appam and snacks and sweet items which cater to various regional tastes. Only chicken is served as a non vegetarian dish in the main course meal. and eggs are served twice a week.

Teachers & Masters dine along with the students and personally look in to each student’s diet habits. Teachers and students render services by rotation so as to create a family environment.

On Sunday routine

On Sundays, a more relaxed routine is followed but emphasis is again placed upon offering students a variety of options in a carefully supervised way. Sports often form the basis of the day and walk trips, outside visits , training camps, work experience and movies become a part of their Sunday schedule.

Health & Medicine

There is a well equipped hospital with all the facilities only 2 kms away from the school campus and the doctor is available round the clock for any emergency.

In case of a serious illness the parents will be duly informed and will take necessary steps as per the wish of the parents.


Hostel Library plays a vital role in boosting the reading habit of the students

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